
Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Pirates of the CarpetBean - Part 2"

5th adventure Sunday 31 August 2011:

"Pirates of the CarpetBean - Part 2"
- see previous adventure
- They found the queen in a tower, but have to rescue her, I teach them the climbing rules (one body length = one try = need 4 or better on 1D6 otherwise fall for 1 damage roll) They like it and start using each other as ladders

- Queen thanks them: "But now we must find my treasure"
- They all sail together (Dino, Hippo, Princess, Queen), kids automatically assume that each of them will have to let an NPC ride them (coz boat small)

- They get to an island (couch) - climb again
- across the island is a defended wall with 5 pirates
- "Chaaaaaarge!" (will they never learn?)
- Hippo runs ahead, gets hit by a pirate with a bow (=distance attack)
- Nice long battle, Queen does not partake, but  distance weapons (bow & magic missile) lossen it up nicely.
- They win, but have taken quite a beating (both down to 50%)
- After victory, the queen gives them a special prize:
Leveling up:
Each kid gets to choose 1 point which they can improve by 1 (from hitpoints, movement points, number of attacks,  number of damage rolls - should not upgrade defense points because the difference is so extreme)
- Hippo chooses to go from 2 to 3 attacks
- Dino chooses 1 more movement point

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