
Friday, July 22, 2011


Combat is driven by 4 stats on the Character Sheet:
For attacker:
- Attack "Sword" icon = number of attack rolls per round
- Damage "Fist" icon = number of damage dice rolled for each successful attack
For defender:
- Defense "Shield" icon = attack roll must be higher than this number for a hit
- Life points "Heart" icon = attack roll must be higher than this number for a hit

Always two steps:
- One attack roll is 3D6 (the total number when rolling three 6-sided dice)
- If higher than defender's Defense calue, then roll damage
- Roll one D6 per Damage value
- Defender loses 1 Hitpoint for each dice with 1, 3 or 5 (make a pencil line in a box on character sheet)
Repeat both steps above for "Attack Roll" number of times per round
(Note: I found some "Poker Dice" at home, each face card means one damage - makes it a tad easier)

- Characters with zero hit points don't die, they "go to sleep" (kids are bloodthirsty enough as it is)
- Enemies with only one hit point may well run away (Lesson: you don't have to destroy to win)
- Players automatically heal fully at the end of each adventure (make this explicit with eraser)
- Optionally provide healing potions (currently bananas)

Initiative/sequence of play:
- You can roll 1D6 per player to choose which order everybody acts (players and NPCs)
- I tend to skip this step, often it is whichever player gets there first

Future upgrade: Ranged attacks (e.g. throwing/shooting stuff) I'm pretty sure they would grok it but no need so far

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